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Push notifications

We're excited about this feature, but please note that the technology that supports it is relatively new; there are some limitations and there may be some disruptions as we work on it in future.

You will often want to know when a message has been posted on your Cbox while you have been away from the chat. Today on Android smartphones and tablets using Chrome browser, and for Chrome on the desktop, it's possible to subscribe for push notifications for Cbox messages.

This feature is only available to paid Cboxes, at your Quick Link, and for technical reasons it's only available when the page is loaded over SSL/TLS. Your browser address bar should start[your_Cbox_name]

Note: If you accidentally click "deny" to the browser permission request, you will need to reset your browser's privacy settings: in Chrome, delete the Cbox entry at chrome://settings/content under "Notifications" -> "Manage exceptions..."

If you see the bell icon at the top right, you are all set: click or tap the bell to subscribe. The first time you do this, your browser will ask permission to send you notifications on behalf of Cbox. Once we have subscribed you, the bell icon will change — you can click it again to unsubscribe from this Cbox.

Once you are subscribed for notifications, you will receive messages in your device's notification bar whenever new messages are posted to your Cbox. This will work even if the tab is closed. On desktop, Chrome may need to be running but you will not need to have Cbox open in any window.

You can have multiple subscriptions for different Cboxes and you will receive notifications for each. We combine notifications for channels and also rate-limit them to minimize potential disruption.

We are looking forward rolling this important feature out to more browsers and devices in future. Your feedback is invaluable during this process — let us know what you think.

Last updated 4 April 2016

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